When’s the right time to let a person go?
“Maybe when you feel more in love your memories than with
the person standing in front of you”
I have trouble letting go.
It’s partly because I’m quick to forgive and forget. I don’t
walk around weighed down by peoples’ past transgressions towards me.
It’s also because, in a way, I indulge in quiet suffering.
Conquering my own ill feelings towards a person is a game I play with myself. I
don’t do it for the person; I do it because I enjoy seeing how much I can tolerate and overcome.
Sometimes however it’s absolutely necessary to let go; and I
think the above quote sums up perfectly when that time is.
It’s different for everyone, and it’s a choice each must
make in his/her own time.
Everyone has their own limits and pressure points.
People break and learn to release in their own way.
Ultimately though, it’s important to teach yourself the discipline
of letting go of what no longer serves you.