Thursday, September 24, 2015

Slow to Release

I realized how long I’d been holding on, and that my discomfort stemmed from my heart being ready to let go long before my head caught up to what that looked or felt like. Because all of these things I was absorbed by, they weren’t necessarily all bad. But the old songs, pictures, feelings, and beliefs, they no longer suited me, yet I continued to live life according to their rigid terms; as if they were holding a gun to my skull. That was the day I chose to walk away; to discover, learn, and grow; free of pretense and shame, old habits and routines. Untethered to the fear that I’m not worthy of the life my heart’s boldly been pulling me towards every night as I lie awake; its restlessness making me uneasy to the point of insomnia. The force of nature that had outgrown the dusty life I was offering it was stirring within me, demanding more, always more. That was the day I gave the burden of my past, both good and bad, to God, and walked with him hand in hand into this thing called living.

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