Tuesday, April 14, 2015

You Can't.

You can't skim the surface, always scraping by with the bare minimum, and expect to feel fulfilled.

You can't manifest grand, time-consuming ideas overnight.

Big things happen bit by bit, in sequential steps, in their own due time.

You can't see a big thing in your mind and expedite it into fruition.

It's frustrating.

It's overwhelming.

You throw in the towel.

You choke.

All of these meaningful ideas that ramble inside your head on a continuous wheel as if they're mocking you...

Only to dissipate when you start to reach for them.

What's wrong with starting small...

With doing something for you, something that you're truly proud of and can call your own?

Plant your seed and water it.

Watch it come to life.

Day by day, what you invest in will grow.

Don't surrender the big ideas inside of you to the nagging voice that tells you you're not good enough or capable of achievement.

Failing is just as much a triumph.

Failing means you gave something you care about a shot.

You can succeed.

You can fail.

But you can't sit stagnant, paralyzed by fear; it's not the way you're wired.

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