Friday, January 23, 2015

On Detours.


It was one of those dark, cold, rainy nights after work and all I wanted was to be home already. I knew the commute was going to be bad since people seem to have amnesia and forget how to drive when the slightest bit of precipitation hits the ground. I was right. The light I usually take to get to the other side of the highway was backed up by about 25 minutes. I improvised last minute, made a left turn where I never had before, and ended up getting home in almost half the time it usually takes. It was a pleasant surprise. I never would’ve taken that way if I wasn’t forced into it by red lights and ceaseless braking.

I bet you already know where I’m going with this, smarty pants. More times than not the best things that happen to us are unplanned. The seasons of my life that I go into unwillingly- kicking and screaming and desperately hanging on to my own plans, are usually the best ones. When you learn to let go, roll with the punches, and take some detours, you open yourself up to the infinite possibility that is life. You also save yourself tons of frustration and white knuckling. A lot of times what we think is best for us turns out to be nothing more than an illusion born in fear. I’ll admit- it’s scary to leave your comfort zone. But the thought of never leaving it is even scarier.  

As long as you’re striving towards being the best version of yourself possible, the universe will have your back- every single time. So close your eyes, take a deep breath, and don’t be afraid to ask of life every single damn thing you are worthy and deserving of.  Just don't fool yourself into believing that the best case scenario will happen if you're not willing to take a detour or two.

 Main Takeaways:
'Life begins at the end of your comfort zone'
‘Promise yourself….To live in faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you’ –Christian D. Larson

Basically- The universe has your back, so long as you're willing to let it do its thing.


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